Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Secret to 3-DCT

Chiropractic Monthly-May 2010

Our newsletter, Chiropractic Monthly (as you might have guessed) is on its 2nd issue and we couldn’t be happier.

We would like to thank all of you for the wonderful reviews and comments on Yelp. Affecting patients’ lives in such wonderful ways is the fuel that keeps us going.

Many of you had asked for the link to our facebook account – if the link doesn’t work, please copy and paste the url address on your browser

In our last newsletter, we mentioned how 3-DCT had helped countless patients who had suffered from difficult and acute ailments like difficulty getting pregnant, Fibromyalgia, Hiatal Hernia, Acid Reflux. In reviewing our practice history, we’ve also had significant success in Coccygodynia (tailbone pain), facial acne, TMJ, Plantar Fascitis, Sinusitis (constant runny nose, congestion). In the coming issues, we will concentrate a great deal on many of these conditions.

So many people ask us “what is the secret to 3-DCT?” Although the actual techniques are very specific, the idea is very simple! Bones in the human body can’t move at their own will. The muscles, along with tendons, are what create motion for our bones. If muscles in our body are tight for a long time, they affect the body’s skeletal structure, joints, nerves and the function of many organs. By manipulating the muscles, we can restore the original structure and function of the body.

Welcome to 3-DCT!

We are also very excited about our upcoming special issue. During the past month, we were thrilled to make a spectacular difference in a young patient’s life. Kim, our young patient, had experienced significant trauma at a very young age. Although young, the 30 years of muscle tension had significantly impacted her health. We are happy that after intensive therapy sessions, she is feeling wonderful and she will share her story with a special issue of Chiropractic Monthly.

We would also like to remind everyone of our upcoming PPM seminar on Saturday June 26, 2010. The seminar will be at our office and seats are very limited. Please contact us at 818-247-4411 for additional information.

In the meantime, we continue to ask all of our patients to join our 3D Chiro Facebook Page and spread the word about 3-DCT with reviews on Yelp.

We wish you a happy and healthy Memorial Weekend.

The 2nd quarter of 2010

Chiropractic Monthly-April 2010

Wow… The 2nd quarter of 2010 is upon us and it seems like once again, time is just flying by. It’s been an exciting
year at 3-D Chiro – we’ve welcomed Melissa to our staff (a great addition I must say), we are moving to the new “techno-century” with our own Yelp and Facebook sites, and of course our monthly newsletter.

It seems so long ago when I started the simple idea of 3-DCT. And now, after countless patients we are moving forward stronger than ever and, providing better care for acute and chronic conditions like difficulty getting pregnant, Fibromyalgia, Hiatal Hernia, Acid Reflux and manyother complications.

The complexities of the human body never cease to amaze me – even after 28 years of practice. It’s truly remarkable how our body has the ability to store negative tension from our YOUTH that leads to the build-up of waste products in our body, which lead to many of our daily discomforts.

The purpose for developing 3-DCT has always been to analyze all the tension patterns that have developed over time, including injuries from sports, falls, accidents, and etc. with particular attention to the front of the body like the abdomen, front of the hips, facial and jaw and shoulder tensions.

3-DCT is also developed to treat the patients without the usual “twisting," “popping” or “cracking” which are the common traumatic chiropractic methods used by so many others. 

It’s truly amazing how our body has the capacity to heal itself with the use of 3-DCT muscle manipulations in as little as 4-6 weeks, or 10-14 sessions.

The personal and professional joy that we experience from patients who are relieved of severe and chronic pains in their back, neck, shoulders, and other ailments are the greatest part of our day.

With the upcoming issues of “Chiropractic Monthly”, we will share patient stories, techniques, and holistic tips for better mental and physical health for all readers.

In the meantime, we like to ask all of our patients to join our 3D Chiro Facebook page and spread the word about 3-DCT with reviews on Yelp.

We wish you a happy and healthy spring.