For men, the problem of frequent urination is usually accompanied by the inability to start the urine stream and low flow once the stream is initiated.
In women, frequent urination can be characterized by the incomplete emptying of the bladder. However, the symptom that can cause the most embarrassment is exertion incontinence.
Exertion incontinence, which is defined as uncontrolled urination when you exert yourself, can be triggered by simple physical activity; it can even be caused by sneezing. In men, the source of urination related problems can be traced to the prostate gland. Because the prostate is located in the lower abdomen, excessive tension in the lower abdomen or the lower back and pelvis area can constrict the prostate. While I recommend that men with severe problems be checked out by an urologist, many cases can be helped by chiropractic treatment. At no time is it necessary for me to perform any invasive procedures, such as a rectal examination. Per usual, we are treating muscle tension through Pressure Plus Motion and chiropractic adjustments.
In the case of a male patient I saw recently, simple adjustments were able to solve his problem. His complaint was low flow, fifty to sixty percent of what should be expected. When his urologist prescribed medications, his flow improved slightly, but remained well below normal. He was still getting up at least three times a night to urinate.
He wanted to get off the medications because of the negative side effects. Upon examination I discovered severe tightness in his lower abdomen. After a series of adjustments, his flow increased to ninety percent. He no longer has to get up at all during the night to go to the bathroom. In addition, he has stopped taking the medications. And this was after only three visits to our office.
Recently, we treated a female patient who complained because she had to go to the bathroom every hour all night long. As a child she suffered from rheumatic fever but did not want to use a bedpan. We adjusted her bladder above the pubic bone and did lower back adjustments. After four visits to 3D Chiro, she now gets up just once per night. Women with frequent urination problems should first consult their gynecologist to rule out any serious problems before scheduling an appointment with us.
As with many medical problems, even the least likely such as incontinence, chiropractic adjustments is a viable option for treatment. While incontinence can be caused by serious medical problems that a doctor should evaluate prior to chiropractic visits, there is a large population of individuals with a solution as simple as 3D Chiro for treating incontinence.
Dr. Al
There are three common types of incontinence in men. If you resonate with any of these, you should contact your health care professional for advice on how to proceed with treatment. The first type is stress incontinence, which is the involuntary loss of urine during stressful actions such as coughing, sneezing, and lifting that put abdominal pressure on the bladder. The second classification is urge incontinence, which is the involuntary exertion of urine following an overwhelming urge to urinate that cannot be hindered. The third is overflow incontinence, which is the constant trickle of urine usually associated with urinating frequently but in small amounts.It is important to remember that incontinence is a medical problem and not a cause for embarrassment. Your health care provider can help you find a solution. For some, medication may be prescribed, but like the aforementioned patient of Dr. Nunez, you may find chiropractic treatments more effective in preventing any type of incontinence.
A little acknowledged fact is that women experience incontinence twice as often as men. Pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and the structure of the female urinary tract lead to this drastically bias statistic. Women can suffer from the same types of incontinence as men but also a few others due to the difference in the female urinary tract. Older women tend to suffer from incontinence more often than younger women. While no single treatment works for everyone, many women can find improvement without surgery. Your doctor or nurse can help you find a solution whether it is medication or chiropractic treatment. It can be encouraging to remember that all types of urinary incontinence are treatable in some way and at all ages. Whatever your age or gender, incontinence is not something to be embarrassed by. As has been made evident, urinary problems are common in both genders and can occur at any age despite its common association with the elderly community. No one should have to suffer alone because of embarrassment. Be sure to tell your health care professional if you feel you may be suffering from incontinence as well as Dr. Nunez, he may be able to help!If you or someone you know needs our unique help please forward this eMail to them.