Thursday, September 1, 2011

Plantar Fasciitis, Oh My Aching Foot!

Chiropractic Monthly - September 2011

Some of you may be wondering why a chiropractor is writing about Plantar Fasciitis? Isn’t that a condition that a Podiatrist treats? Well, as most of you now know, you should always tell me about any condition that you have because with 3D Chiropractic and Pressure-Plus-Motion we love new challenges and we love to help people when other methods have failed.

We will use Plantar Fasciitis as a general diagnosis to talk about several foot complaints that patients come to me with and haven’t got relief from their general physician, or podiatrist.

Plantar Fasciitis is an inflammation of the muscles and fascia that line the bottom of the foot. These muscles stretch from the heel to the toes and, when inflamed, often result in extreme pain in the arch or heel of the foot upon your first steps out of bed or after prolonged sitting. It may come on suddenly and without warning. Pain medication will not offer significant relief. You may have Orthotics (arch supports) prescribed for you that may give you temporary relief.

Other foot problems that are common include: Morton’s neuroma, foot cramps, bunions, cold feet, swollen ankles and arthritis. These are just a few of theconditions that we have had success with by using the 3D chiropractic techniques.

So, how can chiropractic help all these problems?!

First of all, we search for a history of injuries to the foot. More often than not, there is a history of a sprained foot or ankle in their youth or a jammed toe or fracture. However, after the initial pain goes away or the cast comes off, most people think they are cured. Often, unknowingly, the patient continues to favor the foot or ankle subconsciously and instead of the foot healing properly, it is left with stiffness in the joints, muscles and fascia. Stiffness in the joints leads eventually to arthritis.

Next we’ll look at hardness in the muscles that starts in the leg such as the calf and shin muscles go to the foot. Hardness of the muscles can interfere or perturb the flow of fluids in and out of the foot. This leads to swollen ankles, cramps and cold feet.

Remember: A perturbation of circulation leads to irritation and inflammation which leads to indurations (hardening) and ultimately degeneration.

Once all the unhealthy tissues are identified, stiff joints are mobilized and hardened muscles are treated with Pressure-Plus-Motionsm. Once the tissues are restored to normal tone, treatment is only half-way there.

Now, habits that formed due by favoring the damaged joint must be addressed. We analyze the stride and posture then teach you to walk and stand properly. Most patients with these conditions will shorten their stride to protect the old injury which means the foot and calf muscles just get harder and harder. We teach our patients how to treat themselves with Pressure-Plus-Motion techniques that can be found in my book, “How to Keep the Chiropractor Off Your Back!” The book and classes are meant to allow you to feel like you aren’t dependent on the doctor to feel good.

Here is what Kris L., one of our patients, says about our treatment. She had a severe ankle and foot problem:

"What I came to realize was that the years of wear and tear on my body were taking its toll. As an athlete all my life and now as a firefighter who places incredible demands on my body I realized that it is the little things that matter. Dr. Nunez worked patiently with me over the course of a year to get me healthy again. What a difference he has made to my quality of life. I am back to doing things I could not do before because it hurt too badly. I never thought I could feel this good."

Keep on going for the best in all you do.

Love you all,

Dr. Nunez

Associates Corner Dr. Subia

Dr Subia wants you to know he's available to treat you.

Just like any new business I’m trying to build my practice and patient base here at 3D Chiro.

I would appreciate your referrals. Won’t you consider sending a friend to see me? Just tell them to ask for Dr. Subia, Thanks.

I am always available for emergency appointments.

Live life to the fullest with healthy posture,

Dr. Subia

Calling all “Weekend Athletes”

If you ache after a Sunday Softball game and need relief, you need Ortho-Nesic. It was made for you!

Get yourself a tube before your next sports weekend!

Love your results?

Tell someone!

We can’t believe you have friends who may not know about the doctor and your results. Why not help someone you know get the same results? Tell a friend and earn a discount on your next visit for both of you. Its simple go to yelp to get your secret discount word. Oh and leave a review while you’re there, we love hearing from you on Yelp.

While you’re on Google why not leave a review, we’d really appreciate hearing your comments. You can also connect with us via email at:

Hey, let’s be friends! Check our 3D Chiro on FaceBook. To become a “Fan” of 3D Chiro click on the FaceBook link below.








Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Baseball, Basketball or the Trailer Hitch

Chiropractic Monthly - June 2011

Patients come to me complaining they feel bent, broken and sprained. They’ll say something like, "Doc, I only bent over to tie my shoe and my back went out!" Or "How can doing something so little cause so much pain? It just doesn’t make sense!" Well, it’s true; it doesn’t make sense if you only look at that one incident.

Those of you who have been following our newsletter might already know what’s coming. Injuries in your youth can cause muscular tensions that may become chronic. Remember, long after the original pain is gone the injury remains. It’s natural for the body to compensate trying to make the best of a bad situation. Let’s use an ankle sprain to illustrate. You’re hiking at camp one summer and you don’t see the rock on the trail. Next thing you know you’re picking yourself up off the trail and your ankle feels very tender. You limp back to camp and continue to limp for a few days. That twisted ankle now has weakened ligaments and muscle tightness. The ankle now must pronate (roll inward) in order to stabilize, this in turn causes the knee to rotate inward and then the hip as well.

Remember the old song, the hip bone is connected to the knee bone; the knee bone is connected to the foot bone, etc. Once this pattern is established the body will subconsciously compensate and adjust to the pain, but still feel it. This can lie dormant for many years, getting tighter and tighter, like a ticking time bomb just waiting for one more strained muscle and then, disaster. We call that the precipitating factor, the next little thing you do, getting in or out of the car, sitting in a chair for a few hours, vacuuming, and then, you are in trouble...again.

Case study 1:

A patient returned to my office with low back pain that we "fixed" only to have it resurface one month later. I realized I might have to dig deeper. Upon a detailed reexamination I noticed the "big toe" on the same side as the back pain was very swollen. The patient’s explanation, "when I was 14 years old a heavy trailer hitch fell onto my left foot and I never got any treatment for it." He never had a problem with his back until he was 65 years old! The toe was very stiff and the patient wasn’t walking properly. I adjusted the toe and taught him how to walk properly and the "back" problem was solved.

Case study 2:

A concerned father brought his Little League baseball player by our offices. At 14 years old the boy had severe elbow pain on the inside of his elbow when he pitched, a very common injury in pitchers. Using the 3D Chiropractic principles we evaluated not only his elbow but his hand, wrist and shoulder. Why, because all these areas are connected to the problem area.

We found that not only had he injured his elbow but he had a swollen middle finger as well. When I inquired the patient recalled that six months prior he was playing basketball and he had caught a ball on the tip of his finger, spraining it.

The tendons from the finger have their origin on the inside of the elbow and were inflamed from the original injury. Now, you see when he started pitching the old (original) injury flared up. Treatment now could be directed to the elbow and the finger leading to a complete healing, not just temporary relief.

Have a great life and never settle for anything but the best!

Remember, until you or your friends have tried the3-D Chiropractic method for the pain, you really haven’t tried everything!

Have a great life filled with liveliness.

Dr. N

Associates Corner Dr. Subia

Dr Subia wants you to know he's available to treat you.

Just like any new business I’m trying to build my practice and patient base here at 3D Chiro.

I would appreciate your referrals. Won’t you consider sending a friend to see me? Just tell them to ask for Dr. Subia, Thanks.

I am always available for emergency appointments.

Live life to the fullest with healthy posture,

Dr. Subia

Calling all “Weekend Athletes”

If you ache after a Sunday Softball game and need relief, you need Ortho-Nesic. It was made for you!

Get yourself a tube before your next sports weekend!

Love your results?

Tell someone!

We can’t believe you have friends who may not know about the doctor and your results. Why not help someone you know get the same results? Tell a friend and earn a discount on your next visit for both of you. Its simple go to yelp to get your secret discount word. Oh and leave a review while you’re there, we love hearing from you on Yelp.

While you’re on Google why not leave a review, we’d really appreciate hearing your comments. You can also connect with us via email at:

Hey, let’s be friends! Check our 3D Chiro on FaceBook. To become a “Fan” of 3D Chiro click on the FaceBook link below.








Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The SUPRISING truth about Acne, Chronic Pain and your Chiropractor?

Chiropractic Monthly - March/April 2011

Here is another installment of our newsletter. Although this may not apply to you please feel free to pass it on after you have read this informative article.

Who'd a thunk it? Why would a person go to a chiropractor for an acne problem? "It just doesn't make sense." It is a "medical" problem. It is a "dermatological" problem. It "runs in the family". It is "chronic and I was told I'm just going to have to live with it."

These are common things patients have said to me when I mention that I may be able to help their acne problems. Trust me, I have yet to have a patient come to me for acne, but during the course of my examination, I evaluate the skin of the face, shoulders, back and arms. Why? Remember the precept of 3-D Chiropractic "traumatic events of youth," whether physical or emotional can lead to tensing of various muscles which can become chronic.

Chronic tension in the muscles leads to a perturbation (a slight decrease) of circulation in the muscle itself and the surrounding tissues. When I say circulation I am speaking of blood flow, nerve flow, energy flow and most importantly for acne sufferers, lymph flow. Your acne could be caused by a backup of lymph flow known as lymph edema (swollen glands). This is due to chronic muscles tension of the neck and jaw interfering with the proper drainage of lymph channels. Lymph channels in the body drain away waste products that are between the cells that form as a natural process of cell activity.

As you can see from the accompanying illustration lymph channels (Right) are the forgotten circulation that drains all systems of waste products and is easily slowed or blocked by chronically over-tense muscles. Therefore acne could not only be on the face but on the back as well.

When I see changes in the skin, such as acne, immediately I am thinking which flow has been disturbed causing these symptoms. If the waste products are not being drained away from tissues build up continues until a swelling forms under the skin. Most of us know this as a pimple or simple acne. In mild cases better skin care, creams, avoiding sweets or oily foods, may be able to reduce the symptoms. But, in severe or chronic cases, this will not solve the problem.

In the our last newsletter we wrote about temperomandibular joint pain or jaw pain and how various injuries to the jaw in the past can lead to jaw pain in the present. These same injuries are often the cause of jaw tension that interferes with the lymph drainage from facial skin causing acne or in severe cases, cystic acne.

A thorough history will often reveal some trauma to the jaw in the past that was never properly treated. Acne often doesn't show up until later and the connection to the trauma is almost never made.

Once the diagnosis is made, treatment is directed to the muscles of the jaw and home exercises are given to teach the patient how to treat their own muscles at home using Pressure-Plus-Motion (PPM) methods and jaw relaxation techniques.

We have many testimonials of our success with acne reduction but I wanted you to read one in particular below that should give hope to many of your friends or family members that have these problems.

Call us if you or a friend have tried everything else and it seems like you're "just going to have to live with it," we just might be able to help.

Remember at 3-D Chiropractic, we love a challenge! Please call us or send this newsletter to a friend that you feel might be helped. We would love to hear from you.


Dr. Al and the dream team of Dr. Subia and Melissa.

Associates Corner Dr. Subia

New Patients for:
Dr. Subia
$20.00 Reward for all New Patients

Call 661-428-0526
Emergencies and Evenings


"I'm so thankful for what Dr. Nunez has done for me. His method/technique has tremendously helped me overcome over 13 years of persistent painful cystic acne breakouts on my face. At times, my acne was so bad that simply speaking was unbearably painful! My jaw-line and cheekbones used to be covered with overlapping cystic acne, which would throb relentlessly. Upon seeking Dr. Nunez's help, I learned that an old injury to my jaw, at age 14, had caused tension in the jaw-line resulting in the lack of blood flow in the area, hence causing the cystic breakouts which started about a year after the incident had occurred.

Throughout those years I took numerous medications and antibiotics prescribed by different doctors, tried every product advertised, tried out facials of different sorts, and just about every home remedy I heard of. Some things helped a little for a short period of time, some aggravated the acne more, while the others had no affect at all. I honestly tried everything short of Accutane which was an option I wasn't willing to resort to, due to all the controversial side effects involved.

Since Dr. Nunez's treatments, my acne has cleared, only leaving behind the scarred memory of the cystic monsters that had taken over my face, and my life. He has also helped eliminate the frequent tension headaches I endured during those years, along with the clicking and locking of my jaw, of which I was told only surgery, could cure. I've learned that every other treatment out there helps with the symptoms (the acne) stemming from the root of the problem. You cannot treat this disease without treating the source, or the reason why you're breaking out in the first place.

Thank you Dr. Nunez! God Bless you and your gift."

-Delightfully, Acne Free

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Tell someone!

We can't believe you have friends who may not know about the doctor and your results. Why not help someone you know get the same results? Tell a friend and earn a discount on your next visit for both of you. Its simple go to yelp to get your secret discount word. Oh and leave a review while you're there, we love hearing from you on Yelp.

While you're on Google why not leave a review, we'd really appreciate hearing your comments. You can also connect with us via email at:

Hey, let's be friends! Check our 3D Chiro on FaceBook. To become a "Fan" of 3D Chiro click on the FaceBook link below.








Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Temperomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ)

Chiropractic Monthly - February 2011

Just a note before we begin...

Welcome to another edition of our newsletter. This month we're going to talk about an odd pain in the jaw. What better way to do that than to relate a patient's story for your consideration.

Here's George's story, a 30 year old came in complaining of pain in the back of his head. He explained it was a dull pain but constant, day and night. George also mentioned getting a sudden sensation that he was spinning or that the inside of his head was spinning. This condition is also known as positional vertigo.

Notice that he didn't mention jaw symptoms per se, but the jaw was definitely involved with all the other symptoms. He had prior Chiropractic and Physical Therapy care he even received cortisone shots which gave no relief.

The patient's vertigo, neck and shoulder tension were relieved quickly but the jaw symptoms took longer to improve. It turns out that his father was horsing around swinging a branch and accidentally hit him in the right side of the jaw! This was when he was only 7 years old. We knew this wasn't a recent problem but an old injury that the patient had completely forgotten about.

This came to light as a result of our pre- treatment history questions. We see this quite often. Explaining this to the patient helps them understand when symptoms don't resolve as quickly as they'd like.

We look forward to seeing you through 2011 to help you have your best health ever.

Yours in Health,

Dr. N

Does This Sound Familiar?

Temperomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ) or jaw pain is much more common than you might think and it can have far-reaching effects. Most people don't associate their chiropractor with this type of problem. They relate jaw pain to tooth pain and indeed T.M.J. can cause tooth pain thus off to the dentist they go. Not a bad place to start to rule out a cavity or gum disease with an exam and an X-ray, but when the dentist says, "your teeth are fine, there is nothing wrong with them", what do you do? The dentist might recommend a dental appliance or splint since their main focus is to protect the teeth from cracking. Unfortunately all too often the pain remains.

Visually, at first sight you may not notice anything different about a person who has this condition but, if you press firmly into the jaw muscles right below the cheek bones, one often finds spasm and pain on one or both sides. Pressure in the temple area may also be painful. Most people don't know that the temple muscle is a chewing muscle! Other signs include the jaw moving from side to side on opening instead of moving straight down or a limitation of movement. In general you should be able to put three fingers side to side into your mouth. Go ahead give it a try, see if you can do it.

As far as history we have many patients who, for example, fell off a deck and hit their jaw on the way down or fell at the park and hit their jaw on a bench on the way down. They might remember as a child, fighting with siblings, someone gets hit in the jaw by accident. Playing sports can also lead to unintentional accidents like being hit with a baseball bat or ball. Even gum chewers are at risk! The constant mastication can fatigue the muscles. We have seen all these conditions and the interesting thing is that often the symptoms don't come up right away and so often the cause is forgotten.

Over time the symptoms slowly develop and possibly years later patients will come to 3D Chiro for other health problems and we find they have symptoms related to T.M.J. through the course of our treatment. As we said before, most people don't think about a chiropractic solution for what they believe to be a "dental" problem.

Using the 3D chiropractic principles we analyze the whole system from front to back, side to side and top to bottom. Once we have taken a detailed history we often find there has been trauma to the jaw from a fall or from being hit in the jaw from various accidents or during sports. Naturally we evaluate the patient's stress level and how they handle stress.

Our philosophy in 3D chiropractic is that many chronic problems in the body stem from dysfunctional habits that we developed growing up in a stressful environment. Do you, the patient tend to externalize or internalize your emotions? On a scale of 1 to 10 what is your stress level, considering work and personal issues, do you feel you are over extending yourself? Is the stress constant or intermittent?

People who are at 8+ or higher stress level on a routine basis over the past six months to a year and who internalize their emotions are on a collision course with health issues that could vary from mild to severe.

Once we diagnose the problem most T.M.J. issues can be successfully treated in a very short time.

We treat the spasms, re-align the jaw and adjust spine related issues. We also teach you how to use Pressure-Plus-Motion (PPM) techniques to relieve muscle tension. This is part of a PPM workshop that 3D Chiro periodically offers to its patients. The PPM techniques we teach you can be used at home and work to lessen the pain and discomfort of T.M.J.

Remember, our goal is not to develop dependence on 3D Chiro, but to help you to help yourself!

Yours in good health,

Dr. Al Nunez, DC

Love your results?

We can't believe you have friends who may not know about the doctor and your results. Why not help someone you know get the same results? Tell a friend and earn a discount on your next visit for both of you. It's simple go to Yelp to get your secret discount word. Oh and leave a review while you're there, we love hearing from you on Yelp.

Associates Corner Dr. Subia

Did you need me?

If you had an emergency or were working late and needed to see the doctor, I'm here!

I am offering a HUGE discount for anyone seeing me for the first time;
I'm now available for after hours appointments.

I will be staffing the offices of 3D Chiro for our busy working patients.
3D Chiro Now Open Evenings
6:00 PM until 9:00 PM
Monday thru Friday
It gets lonely here by myself. If you need an appointment come on by and see me?

I'm here to help after hour's patients and emergency patients in the evening as well as on call for weekends.

Remember, if your schedule gets busy or you have an emergency I'm here for you!

Live life to the fullest with healthy posture,

Dr. Subia

Calling all "Weekend Athletes"

If you ache after a Sunday Softball game and need relief, you need Ortho-Nesic. It was made for you!

Get yourself a tube before your next sports weekend!

Tell someone!

While you're on Google why not leave a review, we'd really appreciate hearing your comments. You can also connect with us via email at:

Hey, let's be friends! Check our 3D Chiro on FaceBook. To become a "Fan" of 3D Chiro click on the link below.








Saturday, January 1, 2011

Achieve Health Maximization in Steps

Chiropractic Monthly - January 2011

In my last newsletter we began a conversation about Body Mass Index and how it can be mis-interpreted, we talked about maximizing your health and we talked about weight. In this issue we’ll discuss some of the steps that can be taken to change our lives into what we choose. We shouldn’t feel like victims of genetic fate. We hope this month’s article will motivate you on your path to a happier year and a healthier you.

Let’s be honest with ourselves about what the goal is we want to achieve. Is it back pain, fatigue or being over-weight? We have to decide is it something we can manage ourselves or is it something too big for us? When do we need to get "professional" help? Admitting weakness can be emotionally wrenching but until we do we’ll be constantly fighting a losing battle driving us deeper into despair.

Next is more of a primal question, we need to believe that, one; we can be helped, and two; there is someone or something out there that can help. The goal is to restore that youthful feeling of vitality, health and vigor that we once had. The answer to this question may be one or all of the following.

It may be your chiropractor, a support group or a gym. The main thing is moving forward from "I can’t do it" to "We can do it". Here’s a new mantra for this year, "We can do what I can’t". The cool thing is, even with all this help from others, you’re the one that gets all the benefits. You get to feel better and look great!

Finally we need to make a decision to turn to this new team, the "We" team to help us make better choices about our lives for the health of it. The best people to have on our team are those who understand and have achieved long-term success in their lives. Give them permission to challenge your negative notions and you will progress faster. Step one, call and consult your "We team" frequently to be sure your thoughts, words and actions are consistent with your long-term goals. Be public about your goals, the more people you have on your "We Team" the more power you will have.

We look forward to seeing you in 2011 to help you have your best health ever.

Yours in Health,

Dr. N

Does This Sound Familiar?

Does this sound familiar? When I get up in the morning I inventory my ailments; chronic heartburn, migraines and shoulder pain that are causing my arms to go numb. Not to mention the chronically severe spasms in my calves. Oh, and the meds I’m taking are for the most part, useless!

I had just such a case recently, a 23 year old woman suffering from these exact ailments. She had been seeing her doctor but his remedies seemed, at best ineffective. Incidentally, she was five feet five inches tall and weighed 166 pounds giving her a BMI of 27.7 (the top end of that scale). She did not come in to see me for weight issues though.

Within eight to ten visits using the 3D chiropractic methods we were able to eliminate all of her physical complaints. Then something happened that I really hadn’t expected. She was feeling so good from the treatments she started a consistent walking program then she added one more thing to her "We Team". She joined the Weight Watchers program. She had continued coming in to see me periodically and I actually saw the pounds melting away in a few short months. As of last week when I saw her, she had lost 29 pounds! (A healthy 22.8 rating on the BMI) When I first went in the treatment room her back was turned to me, I almost stepped back out; I thought I had the wrong chart. I didn’t recognize her profile!

Now, could she have lost the weight without getting her physical ailments corrected? Possibly, but let me tell you, when you are feeling bad, you will not be motivated to exercises much less get on a program to lose weight. I’m so proud to be on her "We Team"!

Love your results?

Tell someone!

We can’t believe you have friends who may not know about the doctor and your results. Why not help someone you know get the same results? Tell a friend and earn a discount on your next visit for both of you. It’s simple go to Yelp to get your secret discount word. Oh and leave a review while you’re there, we love hearing from you on Yelp.

While you’re on Google why not leave a review, we’d really appreciate hearing your comments. You can also connect with us via email at:

Hey, let’s be friends! Check our 3D Chiro on FaceBook. To become a "Fan" of 3D Chiro click on the link below.

The "We Team"

It’s 8:00 am and you arrive at the office, just in from the gym and your vigorous morning exercise regimen. Now its mid-morning and you’re stomach is feeling empty, a bit hungry so you reach for a snack of crackers or chips.

Worst of all these are between meals and you’re always craving them. Oh it’s ok I’m going back to the gym for another workout later. If not for that I’m sure I’d be much more overweight.

Well I have just such a patient; she’s in her early 30’s and was only mildly overweight thanks in great part to her exercise routine, vigorous and daily. She had come in to our offices primarily seeking help for severe vertigo. She also mentioned symptoms of stomach acid reflux.

As part of our philosophy of treating the whole person we not only treated her vertigo problem but also made stomach adjustments. The interesting thing was that the patient reported as a result of these adjustments she lost the craving for crackers and chips! Normally she would devour the bag of chips in only a few hours. Then the bag began to last all day, then two days. Last week she came in and reported she had lost 13 pounds! She also reports that now for a snack she is craving snap peas and celery sticks. She said it’s crazy, "I never used to crave these things!"

This is not the first time we have seen people report less of a craving for carbs. I have a new theory about why this happens. When a patient reports having had a frightening or traumatic event in their lives this can cause the stomach to spasm. If the tension remains long enough it can become self-sustaining and last throughout their lives.

What I deduce happens in a normal stomach when you eat a meal; it stretches out or "fills up" which sends a signal to the brain and one feels "full" or satisfied. With a spasmed stomach it takes much more food to stretch it out making one feel constantly hungry. The brain never gets the message.

3D Chiro has the tools and methods to not only solve the stomach tension problems but also to monitor your weight, your body fat percentage and your BMI. We can also teach you relaxation techniques to help reduce stress. Using these tools we can help you make realistic and achievable goals for weight loss, fitness and Health Maximization. Let us be a part of your "We Team" this year.






